Shashki, also known as Russian draughts, is a popular board game that originated in Russia. The game is played on a checkered board and involves taking pieces from the opponent while protecting your own. Shashki is a classic game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages.
The game of Shashki is played on a board consisting of 64 squares, with alternating light and dark squares. Each player starts with 12 pieces, which are placed on the dark squares at the beginning of the game. The object of the game is to capture all of the opponent's pieces or to trap them so that they cannot make any more moves.
The game is played on black squares of a standard chess board. The board is set up in the same way as for checkers or chess, with each player having 12 pieces. Players can only move their pieces diagonally on the board and can move either one or two squares depending on the position of the piece. Pieces can also jump over other pieces if there is an empty square on the other side.
Shashki - Russian draughts